What do Game Developers want from Generative AI?

Download our exclusive report to get a behind-the-scenes look at what game developers think about GenAI—its potential, its obstacles, and how it is currently being used. Gain valuable insights and actionable strategies from your fellow peers.

Key Highlights from the Report:
  • Adoption - Over 30% of game developers say they’re using Generative AI tools on the job, and others have expressed interest in adopting these tools.
  • Regional Differences - East Asian studios are more receptive to Generative AI: 70% of Asian studios use the tools, compared to 42% of developers in North America.
  • Uses & Cautions – While there are opportunities for GenAI in level design, NPCs, and procedural generation, some argue it should only be used as an assistance tool, not as a replacement for creative roles.
Ready for more? Fill out the form to receive our free report and see how GenAI could help you stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of games.
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